Ardent Wolf RPG - Armada


Build your opponent a golden bridge to retreat across.

The wolves of the Armada come from all walks of life, some broken and in need of mending, others simply looking for a change.
We are a family, brought together by the Warlord to protect us and ours through well-honed military might and discipline.

A faithful ally of the Ashen Empire, and the birthplace of the Fatalis family.

Lawful Neutral - Lawful Evil

General Rules

To preserve the secrecy of our structure, our home, and the affairs of us and our allies, a wolf will only be allowed to leave if he or she succeeds in a challenge against the Warlord or his chosen proxy. In rare cases, a trusted and loyal wolf may be given the Warlord’s blessing to leave without this formality.

No offensive action can be taken against any wolf belonging to an allied pack, unless in self-defense. Should an allied pack wolf strike first on a member of the Armada, it must be brought to the attention of Armada’s leadership for discussion and potential retribution.

Any intruder who trespasses on the Armada beyond their public areas must be intercepted by a wolf who is Tier 2 or higher. A lesser ranked wolf may only be first to intercept in emergent situations, and must call for a Tier 2 or higher wolf without delay to relieve them before they engage. This includes friendly visitors who call at the border, and excludes individuals who intend to make use of the marketplace.

All members are expected to collaborate to ensure the health and wellbeing of the pack, first and foremost. Medicine, food, bedding, birth control, and other essentials can not in any way be restricted from any member of the Armada, servants included.

Aside from those injuries sustained in training or as a result of punishment, no wolf should suffer any sort of abuse by another who belongs to the Armada. Members are expected to show a basic respect for all their pack-mates, including servants.

The word of the alpha’s should be taken as law, at all times. In times of war, severe punishments may be inflicted to those who question the command of their superiors.

Every member of the Armada is expected to show restraint and respect towards strangers and outsiders. To intentionally or negligently reflect poorly upon the Armada is to betray the Armada, and every wolf is expected to conduct themselves well to the neutral wolves of Auster and Boreas.

Mandatory meetings are mandatory and to intentionally avoid being present from one will be considered a severe crime deserving of punishment, or even the stripping of one’s rank.

All wolves must contribute to the well-being of the pack as well as the marketplace. Potential members should be screened for work-ethic and ambition upon being offered membership, and should a wolf prove themselves lazy and undeserving after acceptance they will be demoted to the rank of slave, where perhaps they will learn the importance of contribution.

As pack slots are limited and member turnover is rather low, reproduction for all wolves is an act that must be requested. Reproducing without express permission directly harms the Armada as a whole, and unauthorized litters may be punished to the fullest extent of the law. Servants and slaves are not permitted to reproduce at all, bearing the rare exception.

To ensure loyalties remain where they should, no wolf will be allowed to take a mate outside the Armada and it is highly encouraged to not risk reproduction in flings with loners or non-aligned packs, else the Armada may be forced to clean up your mess.

The neutrality of the marketplace is expected to be kept by all wolves who participate in its upkeep. While packs labelled an enemy to us or The Empire might be afforded extra observation, only a T2 rank or higher can decide to deny them service.


To assist players in getting a better understanding of what their character’s lives look like day-to-day, we are beginning to test the concept of static patrols and patrol assignments. Every character regardless of rank will be responsible (ICly) for basic scent marking at minimum. Every non-warrior will be expected (ICly) to occasionally do a walking patrol of the territory, as every member of the Armada should have a basic understanding of self defence. Ranked warriors however will have designated locations to patrol and partners to relieve - this does not have to be roleplayed out, it’s merely an option for further world building, extra reason to thread with your packmates, and lets you better imagine what your wolf’s day-to-day might look like.

We have left out assigned stations for Mile High Woods intentionally, to avoid what we feel might be too much micromanaging of player's freedoms. You're free to make whatever reasonable assumptions you wish in the defense of this territory to advance your plots.

First Light Point

A walkway carved into the cliff edge that spans from the marketplace entrances across to the Col / Woods border that is wide enough to comfortably fit two patrolling wolves.

Azure Gossamer Ophelia

Marketplace Security

This assignment is positioned inside the marketplace.
Assigned wolves are expected to patrol the public area as well as the adjoined storage/inn area.

Basilisk Grimshaw Hazel

Mountain Pass

A static post, positioned to guard against intruders from the north-west.

Sirius Ruga Levi


2024-09-01 » Basilisk and Ignita are married at the Hallows! here

2024-03-18 » Sirius retires and Basilisk is challenged by his Aunt Kyanite for the throne. here

2024-03-03 » The first Warlord, Sirius, talks about his retirement with the pack here

2024-02-21 » Ghoul challenges for Sirius' son's pack here Challenge

2023-08-28 » Armada is raiding Valta as Sirius considers retirementRaid

2023-09-00 » The Armada has experianced a Flash Flood that has devastated our stores as winter arrived Flood Thread

2023-08-28 » Armada have soundly beaten the Raiders Hollow in a Raid

2022-11-01 » Zeitgeist has passed away and while dealing with their grief, Sirius and his youngest litter are temporarily staying in the Hallows. Sirius
2022-08-28 » Zee and Sirius have had their final litter, their seven children have now been unleashed upon the pack. - Sirius

2022-08-XX » Azure has been promoted to Warlord in Sirius' temporary absence, while a certain lovely bride gets married OOCly and ICly, while he tends to his newest litter. - Azure

2022-05-03 » Help, I've fallen into the pack page and can't get out! - RelevantKoala

2022-03-07 » Raid Meeting for upcoming raid on Habari - Azure

2021-10-26 » Zee, having returned from being kidnapped, has stepped back from the hands-on responsibilities as an alpha. Azure is taking her place as Sirius' secondary. - Azure

2020-07-22 » The Armada conducted their first true raid (v Aerie, for supplies) [won] - Sirius

2020-05-02 » The Alpha's second litter has been born and Gossamer, Aris, Briar, Kotori, and Ophelia have officially left the den - Zeitgeist

2020-02-02 » The alpha's first litter has been born and Mortis, Azure, Indigo and Aslatiel have officially left the den - Zeitgeist

2020-1-02 » First official meeting - Ashen Armada relocates to Tall Grass Plains & Sea's Plain. - Sirius

2019-10-29 » Sirius founded the Ashen Armada - Sirius

Territory Description & Den Sites

The Northern Warren

A cluster of den-sites beneath the northern tooth of the mountain range.

A half-dozen entrances to the underground are scattered on the southern edge of the mountainside leading into a series of torch-lit pathways. Branching off the main tunnels are various sizes of caves, each unique in their own way with the ability to be converted into permanent den-sites for those so inclined. The caverns are warmer than you'd expect - likely a result of the nearby underground magma chamber that feeds the massive geyser to the north. These Warrens are the most secure spaces within the Armada and therefore it is encouraged for less battle-capable members to den here.

Wolf Den-Site
Sirius & youngest litter

An easily accessible ‘stairway’ of rock leads up from the ground-floor den sites to a higher elevation. The cavern is large and open at the entrance - serving as a private common area - with a few attached sleeping areas further in. Temporarily houses the newest litter of Zeerius children, until they come of age to choose dens of their own.


Located just across from Sirius' den, this cave is small, cozy, and has the lingering scent of good food


The majority of this cave is a dedicated clinic space, the room is large, fur piles waiting for patients dotted around the center of the cavern. The back wall has a crack high up through which water flows, supplied by the run off of snow from the top of the col, throughout the year, it collects in a natural stone pool though there is another crack in the back wall inside the pool, helping to ensure that the water is kept moving and does not stagnate. Various natural rock shelves are stocked with bundles of herbs. There is a smaller cavern attached to the right side of the main room, it serves as Crux's own sleeping space close enough he can hear any patients but hidden enough to give him privacy.



The Southern Warren

A multi-purpose underground tunnel system beneath the southern tooth of the mountain range.

Accessible from the south, a vast and wide cavern opens up nearest to the tip of the southern tooth of the mountain. The nearby underground river of lava lends it's heat all year round, though the expansive cavern is a touch colder than the more compact spaces of the underground Col. The space is used as a public market, with sentries posted upon the southern entrances and occasionally patrolling the merchandise stalls. Branching off this main cavern space are various storage areas where overflow/valuable goods are placed, as well as vacant dens that can be rented out to weary travelers for the right price. Tucked tightly behind the marketplace is a separate system of tunnels - accessible only from the communal area to the east - which could serve as extra den-sites for Armada members.

Wolf Den-Site

Azure and his family have claimed the den sites positioned at the end of the deepest southern tunnels. Three large dens serve as the family's sleeping areas, the children separated by gender until they are able to claim private dens of their own. The southern wall juts out into a small alcove that serves as their communal living area. Lyre, the family servant, has a bedroll in the hallway.


Den and adjoined workshop, further description TBA



The Communal Area

Where the mountain range forks, a valley is created between the two teeth.

Standing proud in the centre of the valley is the second variation of the Obelisk of the Armada, where the pack’s rules have been carefully etched and displayed throughout their long history. A familiar site to any veteran members of the Armada, as is the adjacent bonfire that seems to never be allowed to burn out. This valley is the safest and fastest route to the Armada’s second territory - the Mile High Woods to the south-east. While the mountain side provides shelter from buffeting northern winds, the valley itself is not comfortable enough in warmth or security to recommend den-sites be situated here as opposed to the Warrens.

Mile High Woods

Gnarled trees with branches like ladders provide a hunting ground as well as alternative sleeping areas for one who might prefer the comfort of trees to that of stone.

The secondary territory for the Armada functions first and foremost as an easily accessible hunting ground. Therefore, wolves of the Armada are encouraged to make use of the space within Dreamer’s Col where possible, as to not provide too much of a presence that might chase large game away from the woods. The north-western border of the forest is well travelled, containing pens that could be used to raise livestock/companions to sell as well as gardens to grow herbs and other plants. The trees nearest to the Col’s border have been tested well for strength, and deemed suitable for safe climbing or even sleeping. Travelling further into the woods south-east, the territory takes on more of a feeling of a preserve where larger game is more frequent, and permanent modifications are discouraged.

Wolf Den-Site
Hazel and Basilisk's Treehouse

In the woods just before the entrance to the Col, and nestled at the cusp of a fallen tree sits a tree house. The entrance to the main floor is lined with rope to help guide a less climbing-apt wolf to its door. This entranceway services as a communal space and forks into three rooms.

Halo and Mortis




Made from branches and vines, her den sits on the forest floor. A mosaic of seashells spreads color around the den, from the outer branches to the entrance. The floor is covered with packed sand.





The Public Marketplace

There is a time for war, and a time for neutrality.

Nestled within the Southern Warren an inviting expansive cavern, well lit via torch-light, opens up to the Boreas and Auster public. Sectioned carefully from the mountain’s residents and under guard by the most trusted of the pack’s warriors, it is a place all are welcome and none are to be harmed, regardless of their current relation toward the Armada or the Empire.

Any wolf within the Armada may take it upon themselves to open a stall and offer goods for trade. Goods owned by the pack itself are to be traded on behalf of the Armada (with the pack as a whole benefiting from the purchase price) though individuals are welcome to procure and sell their goods privately, giving a small cut to the pack in exchange for providing the space to do business. Loners may bargain with Armada leadership to sell goods on behalf of themselves, should they desire.

While the Armada does not require its members to take a heavy interest in the marketplace, it is important for members to understand that they may be asked to assist in some way or form. Fighters may be requested to provide lessons on purchased armaments, healers may be requested to explain the use of various herbs and medical equipment, navigators may be asked to assist with maps or explain tactics for safe exploring, and hunters should be aware that their hunting parties are partially contributing to goods for sale.

Visitors are requested to wait outside the cave system to be escorted in by a patrol, rather than walk in unannounced.


  • Avalon

    Relationship Improving

    Basilisk has made inroads with Avalon and begun to form a trade alliance with Corbie
  • Elysium

    Relationship Improving

    Elysium's leadership left a good first impression on Sirius during the pack challenge for Winterfell in Spring of Year 17. Further interactions brought forth more similarities between the two packs, notably our shared priorities on family values and distain towards religion and the extremists who practice it. While we have no formal alliance, the Armada considers Elysium to be a tentative friend.
  • Hemlock – Unknown

    Relationship Promising

    Now that Armada has met the Alpha, Vidarr, the two packs appear to hold a steady respect for each other
  • Obscura

    Likely Allies

    Valta, as a pack led by one of the Fatalis family members, is an understandably close ally to the Armada. While official talks have not yet happened, we can assume that even in their formative weeks coming into existence that the Armada and it's leadership would default to a state of alliance.
  • Raiders Hollow – Enemies

    Relationship Improving

    Raiders Hallow, while distrusted, is no longer the enemy they were. With The Warlord's son deflecting to their side, inroads have been made to calm relations between them
  • The Hallows

    Long-Term Alliance

    The Hallows was initially formed by two high ranking members of the Armada, who received permission from Sirius to split off and create their safe haven for those who needed it. The split was friendly, and we've remained close allies to this day.
  • Tojo-kai

    Relationship Stable

    While the fracture of Ashen by the koi-wolf Hattori left a bitter taste in the leadership of the Armada, we remain begrudgingly neutral towards Tojo-Kai.
  • Vedia

    Relationship Positive

    Intereactions between Armada and Polaris have so far been positive, and centered in trade.
  • Ranks


    The ultimate authority of the Armada, whose word is law. He is responsible for setting positions of Tier 1 and 2 wolves, holding meetings, assessing the skill level of new members, and generally providing his input in day to day pack movements. While he trusts those he delegates to command, he has the final say in all decisions made by any members of council.

    This rank can only be challenged for via official pack challenge.


    The mate to the Warlord. The wolf in this rank is the Queen of the pack. Her word, like the Warlords, is law. Her commands are second only to the Warlord himself.

    This rank is appointed by the Warlord and cannot be challenged for.


    This wolf oversees the training of new warriors, assigns mentors to apprentices, and is responsible for setting members in their ranks up to Tier 3. They should be knowledgeable in battle and may be called to consult for the Warlord in events of sieges, raids, or other skirmishes.

    This rank can be challenged for, and requires a fighting skill level of master as well as a master rank in any on-site secondary skill.


    A respected member of council, this wolf is responsible for upholding the pack laws and punishing those who may break them as well as maintaining the neutrality of the public marketplace. This individual must have confidence in their own assessments, as well as be steadfast and unrelenting in delivering cold justice where it is required. As matters of law are often time sensitive, this wolf has authority to make and follow through with his own judgements without permission from the Warlord when these circumstances arise.

    This rank can be challenged for, and requires a fighting skill level of master as well as a master rank in any on-site secondary skill.

    Heir Apparent

    Heir to the pack. The wolf that holds this rank is in a position to be groomed as a future leader of the pack. They have the authority to make some small decisions and discipline members of the pack. They are expected to run patrols, attend meetings and remain in the eye of the pack. They are in direct competition with the Crown prince and while they are the leading position for Heir should something happen to the Warlord, that could change if they fall out of favour in the slightest.

    Pack Heir
    This rank is appointed by the Warlord and cannot be challenged for.


    Potential Heir to the pack. The wolf that holds this rank is in a position to be groomed as a future leader of the pack. They have the authority to make some small decisions and discipline members of the pack. They are expected to run patrols, attend meetings and remain in the eye of the pack. They are in direct competition with the Crown prince, and not currently the Heir to the pack. But that could change if they gain favour

    Pack Heir
    This rank is appointed by the Warlord and cannot be challenged for.


    These are elite warriors of the pack and will work and train as a unit. They will excel at black-ops and finesse style missions. Assassins and masters of poison can also fit in within this rank. This is one of the few ranks restricted from giving lessons in the public market, as their skill-set requires secrecy and teaching it could potentially reveal sensitive information.

    This rank can be challenged for, and requires a fighting skill level of master


    Trauma Specialist

    The lead healer of the Armada. They will be in charge of the herb garden and ensuring all healers have working knowledge in their fields. As the wolf with primary say over the gardens and herbs, whoever holds this rank is expected to work hand in hand with healers within the market to ensure supply does not deplete to dangerous levels. They may be requested on occasion to give lessons or explanations on any medical supplies sold, to ensure the buyer’s safety.

    This rank can be formally requested, but requires a healing skill of master to be considered. Additionally, a moderate level of activity is required; this healer may be brought into threads where it is reasonable to have the lead healer present, and it is important that the holder of this rank can commit and adapt to the potential workload.


    Master of Arms

    This wolf is charged with maintaining the Armada's standard of weapons and arms. An experienced craftsman and combatant, this wolf will be expected to not only craft and repair the pack's equipment but also train others on the proper use of said accessories. It is highly encouraged that these services be offered as well to visitors intent on utilising the marketplace, though with discretion. It is not mandatory for the Master of Arms to join battle in times of war, though it is strongly encouraged not only to bolster the Armada's ranks but for the ability to assess the combat strength and armaments of enemy packs.

    This rank can be formally requested, but requires a moderate level of activity to be considered. The holder of this rank may be requested to craft, maintain, or train others on proper use of equipment in-character, and must be prepared to commit and adapt to the potential workload.


    The highest rank of Diplomacy within the Armada. These wolves are trusted to negotiate on behalf of the Armada, as well as make the first introduction to new packs. Initiative and cleverness are useful attributes for a rank that leaves a wolf in potential enemy territory without backup

    This rank can be formally requested, but requires a navigation or Intellect skill of master to be considered. Additionally, a moderate level of activity is expected from the holder of this rank, as they may be sent on important trips on behalf of Armada leadership as well as may be asked to meet with members of other packs.


    Children of the Warlord. As young Royalty and potential future heirs of the pack, these wolves will have responsibilities and privilege's above that of the regular young wolves of the Armada. They have the right to own a slave each, but are expected to attend meetings and anything of importance with more expectation than others. They are expected to learn quickly, and rise quickly within the pack. If they prove themselves incapable of doing so, they may fall out of favor and down in rank.

    This rank is a birthright


    These are wolves who have mastered the art of the warrior. In times of war, they will take authority in their section of fighting, and ensure wolves worked seamlessly together. They should be capable wolves, and good at thinking on their feet. In times of peace, they will work with the other warriors to train and mold them, and learn of them so they can operate well in war. As an exceptionally skilled fighter, a wolf with this rank may be occasionally requested to share their knowledge to those seeking to trade for it in the marketplace.

    This rank can be challenged for, and requires a fighting skill level of master


    Combat Medics

    While the Trauma Specialist and their Trauma Medics are more centered around the day-to-day health of the pack, the Combat Medics are specialized more so toward injuries sustained in combat, emergency medicine, and first aid. Wolves aspiring to this rank must have a strong understanding of the aforementioned schools of medicine, but also must have received training in combat beyond the Armada's basic requirement of self-defense. Combat Medics are expected to make up a portion of our attacking and defending armies and would be prioritized to send out into battle over an equally-skilled Warrior. As these wolves answer both to their Lieutenants as well as the Trauma Specialist and have duties related to both career paths, they should be good at multitasking, versatile, and capable of navigating difficult situations. It is important for this wolf to be able to determine where they are most needed at any given moment, whether it's the battlefield or tending to an injured fighter.

    This rank can be challenged for, and requires a healing skill level of advanced and a fighting skill level of advanced to be considered.


    This rank is the starting point that can branch out into two careers. Here, a wolf can learn how to be the Ambassador, or they can be the wolves that travel the continent frequently. They are tasked with providing the Armada Vital information, such as weather patterns, and news from the world stage. While they are not primarily spies, an ambition to uncover hidden knowledge is considered an asset and an easy avenue for promotion. In times where they are not on extended scouting missions, it is encouraged for wolves of this rank to craft and maintain maps and other navigational tools to sell in the market.

    This rank can be formally requested, but requires a navigation or Intellect skill of Intermediate to be considered. Additionally, a moderate level of activity is expected from the holder of this rank, as they may be sent on important trips on behalf of Armada leadership as well as may be asked to meet with members of other packs.



    These wolves are the primary hunters of the pack, responsible first for providing to the Armada its most basic and essential need - food. These wolves must be tenacious and sturdy and be capable of spending extended amounts of time outside pack lands while on hunts. They must also have proved themselves a confident hunter to Armada leadership, with the skill and experience to be successful in the bitter cold of the north (and against the resilient prey that lives there.) In times when there is no shortage of food, these wolves may be asked to provide instead meat or pelts to sell on the marketplace, and thus they should also have experience on an array of preservatives. While not required, they have the option to instead ‘farm’ companion animals or livestock.

    This rank can be challenged for, and requires a hunting skill level of advanced to be considered.


    Injuries are an unavoidable consequence of combat and so there must always be wolves to mitigate the damages. Fearlessness is a requirement for these wolves as they must be prepared to walk onto a battlefield and drag off injured wolves as well as manage critical injuries. Wolves in this role may choose to sub-specialize in poisoning. It is requested of all medics to assist with the Armada’s gardens or even start one of their own, and to provide knowledge as well as herbs and medicine to the marketplace. They are expected to answer to the current Trauma Specialist, who may assign them extra duties depending on the pack's current need for healers.

    This rank can be challenged for, and requires a healing skill level of Intermediate to be considered.


    The general bulk of the army. They guard the pack borders, train on the regular, and keep battle-ready Those that show exceptional promise in their training will be moved into the elite forces. They are expected to keep their skills well-honed and encouraged to assist the Master of Arms in providing combat-related goods and services to the market.

    This rank can be challenged for, and requires a fighting skill level of intermediate to be considered.


    The general hunters of the pack. They are expected to hunt small prey on the regular, and assist the Stalkers in bringing down larger pray

    This rank can be challenged for, and requires a fighting skill level of intermediate to be considered.


    As the Armada does not explicitly mandate heavy participation in the public market it runs, we rely upon volunteers with a talent for customer service and public relations to be the faces of the business. A wolf in this rank’s primary focus is ensuring the market is running fluidly, and they may approach wolves who have specialised elsewhere to request assistance should stock relating to that wolf’s skill-set run low. Outside of market duties, this wolf is still expected to learn the basics of self defence, and to fill in on patrols, hunts, or skirmishes upon request.

    This rank can be requested, and requires any skill level of Intermediate to be considered.

    Young Fatalis

    All wolves born to the Fatalis rank that are too young or unskilled to advance up in rank

    This is a default rank, intended to house a wolf briefly while they age or improve their skills.


    A temporary rank for young or unexperienced wolves that lack the necessary skills to take the next step. This is a rank for anyone whos skill level is below advanced

    A rank for anyone below advanced


    Songbirds are the lowest ranking members of the Armada. They are expected to do the worst jobs, obey the rest of the pack, and be the most unskilled. They are considered wolves that need to learn the most, and to learn in hardship. They are allowed to challenge for their freedom, but are cautioned to be sure they will win or face the consequences. They must Challenge the Warlord for their freedom

    This is the lowest rank of the Armada and it is the hope of the Armada's leadership that any wolf finding themselves here will strive to break out from it.


    This is a rank for any non-wolf creatures that join the Armada and are considered ic to be 'companion'

    This is the lowest rank of the Armada and it is the hope of the Armada's leadership that any wolf finding themselves here will strive to break out from it.


    Wolves in this rank haven't been posted in the Armada in months and are considered 'missing' they will need to make a returning thread to properly be considered a part of the Armada again

    This is the lowest rank of the Armada and it is the hope of the Armada's leadership that any wolf finding themselves here will strive to break out from it.


    Obelisk Image - Salt

    Coding - RelevantKoala

    Emotional Support, Bedtime Enforcer, Commissioner of Art, Armada Founder, Member Acquirer - Sea

    Color God, Coding Consultant, Inspiration - Joe

    "Sometimes the Easiest Solutions are the Hardest to Find" AKA Conqueror of Difficult Code in 5 Seconds Flat - Nyx
    - All coding, purchased art, and writing done by Koala and Sea belong only to this version of the Armada and can not be continued after them.