

Nila Ember Chaletfull name
Nai, Ilanicknames
2 Yearsage
Spring of Year 18birthdate
Chaotic Neutralalignment
Homoromantic, Heterosexual sexuality
The Syndicatepack
Teegan player

Nai-Lah Em-Bur Sha-Lay

Build & Height: Light, 36"

Scent: Oranges and hints of Cinnamon

Voice Claim: Queen Mary from Reign Voice

Nila is painted in many shades of brown, Reds and Black and a hint of grey, her main coloration is Irish Coffee A medium Shade of brown. A lighter, of a more Cocoa shade accentuates her inner ears and her underbelly. Her secondary color is a reddish tone,Red Wood that covers most of her skull, putter ears, back of her neck, back and down her shoulders, legs and tail, a darker brown,Wood Bark Decorates her paws, a third coloration of a darker reddish brown, Beanlays atop the red color, shorter in width. And lastly a strip of Black lays atop Making a beautiful ombré blanket as well as two dots on her forehead. The last color, Old Lavender accents beneath her eyes and nails. Her Eyes are a beautiful mixture of Pink and Gold, like a sunset, Pink Pearl And Golden that make her eyes appear like a setting sun.

Nila’s Height was blessed upon her from her biological father . She will stand at a whole 36” in height. She will be Lean in stature. Though her Frame remains Feminine and Curving, despite her hostile upbringing. Moira moves with a Feminine sway that can sometimes catch the wrong attention. Nila’s Voice is Soft Spoken, and Lyrical, occasionally with an unapologetic tone to it. Giving her an almost delicate, rich type of tone that often rises and falls in a Regal way



Obedient - Introverted - Demure

Nila wears a fine mask in the presence of the Saxe Family and those who might be in league with them. She comes off as Obedient due to her fear of retribution if she wasn’t this way. She is very introverted around them. she seldom speaks, unless spoken to. Because of this she is typically overlooked and underestimated - Ash she wants it to be. She is also very Demure, Constantly trying to blend in to her surroundings. She is very Reserved.



Feisty - Willful - Calculating

In The privacy of her home with Kaino and their Friendship Nila is Feisty. It is here that she’s the most comfortable and will speak her mind freely. She is more herself and is less intimidated about how she feels and what she thinks. Sometimes her tone will come off as sharp. She is willful and sticks to her guns on whatever she believes in when they are in private. Often standing her ground on her beliefs. She is also very calculating, always watching how Kaino reacts to the things she says, how she says them, Etc. because of this she is always overthinking how the days will go, how Kaino will react among other things. ————————————————


Anxious - Codependent - Guarded

In all finality,. Nila tends to be an Anxious individual. She is always Nervous and her body is typically full of tension because of this. Believing something bad is always about to happen to Kaino or Herself. Nila is Codependent on Kaino, as she’s all the girl has. When Kaino isn’t around Naila doesn’t even know who she is. A sense of dread kicks in and she begins to panic. Nila is very guarded to newcomers. This comes from a place of fear and mistrust in others. The only person she can trust is Kaino, so she often pushed others away for her own safety. She embraces this as a necessity, After all it kept her alive this long.


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