

Master Healer (240) specialising as a Anatomist An icon representing the specialty Anatomist
Expert Navigator (140)

(Click to view old skills)

Master Healer (240) & Expert Navigator (130)

Specialties: Cosmetologist & N/A

HEALING : 4/26/21

+10 - Collected an herb - fly agaric
+30 - First patient tended to unaided by another healer
+30 - Seasonal Skill - Summer, Year 16
+10 - Practiced applications of healing tools - painkillers
+15 - Diagnosed a wound
+10 - Collected an herb - ginseng
+30 - Seasonal Skill - Fall, Year 16
+30 - Seasonal Skill - Spring, Year 17
+10 - Collected some lavender
+15 - Crafted bandages from seaweed
+15 - Diagnosed Lillith's pregnancy
+10 - Collected marigold
+10 - Collected motherwort
+15 - Crafted an assortment of tinctures

NAVIGATION : 4/26/21

+10 - Explored a new land - Cedar Falls
+10 - Explored a new land - Wildberry Grove
+30 - Seasonal Skill - Summer, Year 16
+10 - Explored a new land - Amron's Castle
+10 - Explored a new land - Lazuli Falls
+10 - Explored a new land - Bent Canyon
+30 - Seasonal Skill - Spring, Year 17
+10 - Explored a new land - The Shimmering Shore
+10 - Patrolled the Wildberry Grove

Inventory listing
Icon Name Description Details Quantity
Large Accessory Large Accessory [NR] [NT] Allows for a large accessory. A set of three earrings. One is a simple small silver loop. The second is another small silver loop studded with tiny emeralds. The third is a small white gold loop with an emerald dangling from the end. n/a
Large Accessory Large Accessory [NR] [NT] Allows for a large accessory. A leather satchel used for carrying herbs, medicines, and small bottles. n/a
Glittering Concoction Glittering Concoction [NR] [NT] Using this potion boosts a companion, or summons a boosted companion with a crystal or mushroom mutation. Requires thread to use. n/a 1
Go Fast Juice Go Fast Juice [NR] [NT] Using this boosts your speed by 15% in a single race or flee attempt. n/a 1
[NR] indicates a non-refundable item; [NT] indicates a non-transferable item.
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