Cleanse Your Hands, You Sinners
Still caked in mud, he cared not to take time to wash it off. His paws dragging through the muck, only taking a moment of tenderness when his pups needed help crossing the water to their home. He did not care for the exhaustion that riddled his aging body. Even the blood seeping from cuts caused by flying rocks were ignored. He had endured worse. No pain would compare to the firm feeling of fury within his chest. Nothing would change unless he made it happen.
And though they had won, he would only see the faults. How in his attempt to have a playful raid, one of ease and fun, they had been met with ferocity. An underserved ferocity. His own pups had been maimed by adults. And one of his own had even appeared to be friendly with them. Nearly backing from the raid until the last moment. If they had lost... No words would describe the wrath that would pour from him. Time had run out on the clock. No longer would they fuck around. This wasn't some ragtag band of hooligans and clowns. His vision of the future was more than bloodied bodies and snipping insults.
As he emerged from the chilly depths of salted water, he pauses for a moment. His chin tilts up to peer at the looming building that they call home. Progress had been made and that he was proud of. His pack had done well in regards of improving their home, but Abraxas above, they needed to shape up or ship the fuck out of here. Trudging forward until his paws enter the worn circle of dirt and grass out front of the main building, he then stops and turns to face the courtyard. Blocking the entrance from anyone entering after him, he looks out toward the beach. That stoic expression with cracks of indignation wears thin and so does his patience.
Lifting his muzzle to the cloudless sky as a fading summer sun dries the wet from his coat, Gilgamesh releases a harrowing call. Straight from his belly, booming and echoing over the isle. He demands the presence of his pack. From young to old, all were required to come. Changes were to be made if they wished to continue being what he had envisioned for them from the beginning.
gilgamesh is aggressive, don't trust him
Storm Herald
Master Navigator (326)
Master Intellectual (260)
6 Years
It was a long walk home. She didn't miss the way Sakana seethed at seeing kids come back maimed, or Ken prattling about the polar bear (he'd gotten off easy in the end). Jael had dropped her fight to scoop one child off the battlefield, but she hadn't been the only one. Calliope had managed to get her own retaliation in, but nobody could have expected her to go any better against a bear than her brother did. At least Flurry got one on the baby maiming bitch. No matter how friendly the leader was, the whole affair had been inexcusable, and Modesty had gained herself a new target (maybe it would take some of the heat off her not-husband, who knew?)
As they moved up the beach she reached out to quickly nibbling groom behind Flurry's ear, and whispered, “You did good.” She even offered a rare smile before she moved to sit next to Gilgamesh. She had a feeling she knew what this was about, but she wouldn't make assumptions. Not with him. Not anymore.
You're not feeling so well...
The Quartermaster
Master Fighter (291)
Master Intellectual (245)
2 Years
The exhilaration of fighting a bear had the boy practically bouncing the whole way home. The others might have been a sullen and surly bunch, especially Sakana, but Kenway couldn't believe they had a bear?!?! He was already hatching a plan to sneak off back down there to see if he could find it again when Sakana pulled on his tail and gave him a look, (was that guy a mindreader?) That kept him on course with the rest of them travelling home.
All that bouncing came back to haunt him when it came time to cross the water. Thankfully, dad was on hand to help him get across, otherwise, well, he might have been sleeping on a different beach when the call came. He saw mum walk past Flurry and sat kinda next to but kinda behind her, before sliding down to wrap his paws around her tail, mouthing at the hairy part and being mindful not to chew the bony bit. It was a self-soothing strategy to cope with the heaviness in the air, and besides, his sister looked like she could use a laugh.
"speech"Calico Jack
Master Fighter (465)
Master Navigator (285)
3 Years
Finally, they hit the water that separates the raiders from their home island and Jack is swift to dive into the water and escape underneath the surface. The ocean has always been his friend, singing its lullaby to him when he was a pup and embracing him in his most troubled times. It helps to calm the turbulent waters of his mind. While he had been soft on the one wolf, he had still won both of his fights and that is all that should matter. By the time his paws touch the sand of the Isle, he is in a much better headspace and ready to face the consequences of his actions.
Sparrow had instilled in him the importance of facing the music once you stir up trouble and Jack is finally ready and willing to meet it. He had taken his time crossing the water so, just as he pads up onto the shoreline, soaking wet from the swim, Gil’s harrowing summons reaches his ears. Lips curl into grimace as he realizes that his humiliation will be put on display for the entire pack but he is quick to settle his features and shake out the heavy drops of water from his coat.
With that, he sucks in a breath, steadies his nerves, and trots into the courtyard where the meeting will take place. The warmth of the sun works to dry his coat as Jack seats himself in front of Gilgamesh, giving the King plenty of space so that he doesn’t have to stare at him. Heart pounds in his chest and stomach flip-flops as Calico Jack readies for the verbal lashing he expects, worry and sorrow tugging at his features in alternating turns in spite of his best efforts to hide them. He just hopes that Rivin will show up soon so that he doesn’t feel so utterly and completely alone.
Grim Medic
Master Healer (270)
Master Navigator (240)
3 Years
Any healing Sakana had done on the way back would be undone by the swim back to the island so he had gone on ahead to get more supplies ready. He had his monkey ready with needle and thread, a poultice to fight off infection and work as a local anaesthetic for Sid, and various other concoctions on the boil to take the edge off any aches for the others. He was pretty sure Siduri was the sort that could be bribed to sit still if he told her that it wouldn't stick if she kept wriggling. He could deal with his own aching bones later.
He left his companion to dole out the tea to those that needed it and moved to where Gil had summoned them from. Jack had seemed ok, but Flurry had really gone all out on the baby-maimer, so he had something a little extra to take the edge off for her. He gave Ken a look that didn't deter the boy at all, before sitting in front of Flurry with the poultice. It smelled like it would sting, and he gave her an apologetic grin. “Should only sting for a sec, and then you shouldn't feel anything for a few hours at least,” He offered as consolation before gently applying the salve to her wounds. Hell, he was sure getting these things hurt worse than the healing.
Siduri didn't even know what happened with the raid. She'd taken a tink to the brain basket during her fight and had clocked out for the rest of the battle. In fact, when Sid woke, Jael had been carrying her. Instantly the girl felt pain in her shoulder, but it was nothing compared to the pain in her head.
Having been bitten and thrown like a leaf in the wind, when Siduri landed, she had cracked her temple on a rather pointy rock. There was an abrasion and blood trailed through her pale fur. She couldn't open her left eye and, when she raised a paw to inspect it, she could feel the swelling. The girl wanted her dad. She wanted her mom. Since they were busy, the girl clung to Jael.
They walked and it barely registered that her paws were moving. When they returned, Gil called out for them. The howl echoed within her skull and the girl winced. She followed Jael to the meeting place and lay down at the dog lady's feet. Curling her neck, Sid placed her forehead against the pads of her paws. Her head hurt.
Expert Healer (170)
Master Fighter (260)
3 Years
Rivin has two companions - a bobcat and a wolverine. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.
Grim Medic
Master Healer (270)
Master Navigator (240)
3 Years
Sakana moved on from Flurry to give Sid a look over. He had the same strong-smelling poultice he had used on Flurry, but he was worried about the way her eye was swollen shut. He leaned in close as if he was going to tell the girl a secret. “You're tougher than Flurry right? We'll pop some of this on to get the bad germs out, and once your dad is done, you can come to my place and we'll make sure you get a scar all the boys and girls can swoon over, alright? It'll sting and you can bite me or use your bad words if you want, but we really don't need to be addin' infection to a cracked noggin' do we? Yer don't want to be locked in a room for months like your Ma was...” He would wait to see if the girl would put up a fuss before applying the treatment. It should numb things down enough to bring her a little more back to herself, at least until they were done here.
Sly’s dry wit is met with a snort from the boy and he gives his coat a good shake so he doesn’t look so messy as Loki chides, 'Like that will help.' Lifting his head, the young boy snarks back, "At least I’m trying." to which Sly and Loki have no reply. Quickly, Wade descends from the upper heights of the building and makes his way out into the courtyard, his stride confident and relaxed as he picks out a spot in the back to plop his butt down.
White eyes scan the crowd but do not find his father or any of his siblings so he huffs indigently to himself and waits, noting the tension that hangs thickly in the air.
Arriving back home, Sakana was quick to triage as they settled to Gil’s call. Though a part of her wants to be nearer to him, Jael is unwilling to relinquish the child. Quick to hold the pup between her paws, wanting to fuss but knowing that it may just make Sid feel worse. Instead she sits quietly, combing through the tangles in the child’s coat that are far enough from her injuries to not disturb them, gaze anxiously flickering between Modesty and Gilgamesh.
She spotted the group returning, and moved swiftly to be waiting as the crossed the waters, but didn't say anything. The mood was definitely... unpleasant. She swept her gaze over the bedraggled wolves quietly, not drawing attention to herself in what was clearly a murderous tension, but her expression tightened on seeing the pups coming in with the adults - the injuries made it clear that the pups hadn't simply gone out to meet the returning adults, but had participated. There had been children at the raid?
She was left standing on the beach in silence as the raiders moved further onto the island to treat wounds. Her paws flexed absently, driving dull claws into the dirt over and over as her mismatched gaze drifted over the water, though inside she was still. Very still. Darkness swirled in her chest, threatening to bubble out her mouth in a snarl that she froze before it could emerge. Children. Children subjected to the blood and pain and terror of true battle. Yes, yes, she and her siblings had lived that life as pups, had been pushed beyond what a child should ever need to experience. She could look back on her own puphood indifferently, but there was something broken in her and always had been. No one else should ever go through that.
She dragged in a deep breath through her nose as Gilgamesh's voice rang out from further inland, pulling the blood-scent into her head and chest, letting it feed the darkness with a promise that pressed her teeth together hard. A meeting. Very well. She let the call pull her from the beach obediently to stalk into the group around Gil. Let the meeting distract her, because now wasn't the time for her to deal with the problem so the pups would no longer in danger. The pack needed to rest and she needed to protect them while they did, and she needed to know more, to formulate the strategy. She stood at the edges of the group, too restless and tense to sit. Her usual observant quiet was sharp-tinged with intensity and violence like the flame of her coat, but no one here knew her well enough to even notice her, let alone know the difference in how she held herself.
Tarnish trudged along after Jael, relieved to see that his sister was breathing and alive. His head ached from being bowled over by his larger his opponent, tossed onto his back. It hadn't gone at all like he'd expected it to. He long imagined returning victorious from the raid with his first ever win but instead he'd lost his match, right out of the gate. It was a humbling experience. Clearly, he had more work to do. Tarnish followed along with the group, noting his father's sour expression and assuming it was that they had failed to live up to his expectations. It had been a tight match and of the new litter only Calliope had snatched a victory.
They crossed into home territory, Tarnish flinching at the salt water's affects on his wounds. Arriving on the beach he shakes the salted water from his coat as well as the remaining mud now softened by the swim. His father calls for them and Tarnish swallows nervously. He was pretty sure it was time for what Worc called an ass-chewing. Tarnish entered the meeting and moved to sit next to Jael and Siduri, reaching out to gently try and nuzzle his sister's cheek. He wasn't a healer, he'd leave that to Sakana but he did want to try and comfort her. The smell of blood was still strongly noticeable.
Sulfur had been trailing after his brother Wade, a shadow as the other boy moved through the rooms. Curious, but not yet bold enough to stick his nose in rooms that didn’t belong to him on his own, Sul followed his red-furred brother’s example. Quiet, observant, being a support and a lookout in case any of the adults came by to see what the boys were up to. But then suddenly there is a loud call, one that stresses the importance of everyone showing up. Sulfur looks over at Wade, his ears falling as he questions if they were in trouble. Wade doesn’t seem to notice, however, and is already on the move, the dark boy following after him.
Others are gathered… wolves he mostly doesn’t recognize… and his big sister. He slides close to Wade’s side, shifting on his paws before sitting next to his brother. There is something weird about the air… the heavy expressions all the adults wear. He doesn’t like it, his ears pinned against his head, brow furrowed, and red eyes wide. What was going on?
He had been quietly stalking a sea lion that had been lingering around the fringes of the island the last few days. It had been ages since the Saxe male had tasted seal meat, and he was keen on getting this one. He wasn't nearby when the raiding party came back, and it was a complete surprise when Gilgamesh suddenly called the pack together. That howl alone sent the sea lion scurrying back to the water as the howl exploded in the air. "Fuck!" He swiped at the sand in frustration. Normally he would've been whatever about it, but considering he had really wanted this, he wasn't happy about losing it. Well, he supposed it couldn't be helped. Maybe he was starting to get cranky in his old age. Oh well.
Passing by Phoenix's last known location, he called for the boy to get his ass to the meeting because it was clear that Gil wasn't playing around. Making his way there, he showed up to a scene he didn't quite expect to see. There was a certain mood in the air that was different than the usual, and on the ground being coddled by the dog was one of Gil's kids and she looked pretty worse for wear. Shit. Clearly the raid hadn't gone well, though he didn't know if it was won or lost, it probably didn't matter when there was such a heavy mood and a heavily wounded kid in the mix. Taking a seat, Ares remained quiet for once and waited.
"Get your shit together Diablo. Just because you won your first fights in your last raid doesn't mean your hot shit. As far as I'm aware, those are the only fights you've won that didn't involve a child. The next time you come at me with that attitude, I'll do more than just knock your ass to the ground." He hissed before turning away from the boy. He was tired of Diablo's constant defiance and attitude. He didn't understand why the kid didn't just leave if he did nothing but bitch about this and that and the other thing. The last thing he wanted was for him to come out like he had done before. He was tired of hurting his children, and he'd been doing his best to not do that. Gil's howl suddenly cut through the air and the tone of it didn't sound good. So they were back from the raid huh? He was curious to know how it went, but judging by the sound of Gil's call, there was something else. "Unless you don't want to be here anymore, I suggest you get your ass to this meeting. Now isn't the time for your bullshit." He warned the midnight boy before making his way to the group. When he arrived, he spotted some of his kids there already, though Draven wouldn't be joining since he had fallen suddenly ill, he left the boy to rest in his den for the time being. Wade and Sulfur and Rivin were already there, as well as Inferno, while his other youngest child was nowhere to be found and he couldn't say he was pleased. Maybe they were exploring and hadn't heard Gil's call...whatever the case, he would seek out his companion after to go on a search. For now, he needed to be here. Taking a seat with his two youngest for now, he turned his attention to Gil and Mod, noting the tension in the air, and he certainly didn't miss the mangled child on the ground, either. Just what the hell had happened? |
Ignis is unpredictable and may become violent with little or no provocation due to his "demon"
*Ignis' tail is docked, and his left ear has been torn away and now resembles a Battle crop style.
Sid looks to be the worst of them, but there was more than enough blood to go around. Wake's chest ached, stomach churning. Glad it's empty, Wake's expression was somewhat grim as he looked to his father. Questions would wait for later.
He picked himself up from the ground, a silent snarl on his face as blood dripped from his nose. He had, of course, deserved it, but that wasn't ever something he would admit to. Antagonizing and back-talking his father hadn't been the best idea, and Ignis had pummeled him into the ground for his audacity. Still, Diablo growled in defiance as his father turned away, ears pinning to his skull at what his father said. He had been feeling a rise in anger the older he got. He was doing things unprovoked, getting into more fights, and taking things out on his prey. Though he had chosen the wrong one to fuck with today because he had not been ready to take on his dad. Wiping the blood from his nose, he heard Gil's call for the pack together, and he almost decided to ignore it and say to hell with it all, but of course, his father's words once again pricked at his mind. Did he not want him here anymore? Was that what he was getting at? Not at all. But the wretched boy would twist it whichever way he could to favor himself. "I'll fucking show you..." He muttered under his breath as he followed slowly behind his sire. Upon arriving to the meeting, he spotted his sister with Jack, and the younger ones mingling in the middle. Crimson gaze spotted Gil and Modesty at the head of the group, and a quick scan of the raiding party told him they were worse for wear. It was strange seeing them all in not such a jovial mood for once. Huffing, he settled down at the back, a paw to his nose as it started to leak blood again. He'd have to seek out Rivin after to help him with it... |
Diablo is a rated M character! He is unpredictable and may become violent with or without cause. Consider this your warning!
He hadn't been in pack lands when he heard Gil's call for the pack to gather. Which meant he had to make the swim back to the island to make it. He had at some point, crossed the trail of the raiders as they came back from their raid, and Phoenix hurried to try and get there before the meeting started! The wayward boy had been spending a lot of time off the island in favor of exploring the mainland, and much like his father in his youth, had spent a lot of time away from home. He couldn't say he was close to his father or the wolves that lived in the pack, but honestly, that seemed on par with his bloodline anyway. Leaving for however long and coming back business as usual like nothing had changed. He made the short swim to the island and promptly made his way to where the others were gathering, pausing for just a moment to shake the excess water from his coat before hurrying to join the others. Majority appeared to be gathered already, so he quickly and quietly went to join his father, shooting him a grin as he settled down and waited. "Talk," 'Think.' |
Oh! They were back! Navis' tail wagged a mile a minute as she abandoned her solo game of whack a mole that she had been playing with the crabs she found on the beach and raced to where she heard her father's call! The tiny girl was struggling with the deeper sand she had found herself in, so it took her a bit of time to finally get out of it and closer to where the meeting was! She was used to being small, but she swore she was smaller than just about everything else in the world! It was a struggle, sure, but also something she was used to at this point.
Tired and breathless, she finally spotted the group and she made a beeline for mom and dad, though she stopped when she noticed the mood. Okay, maybe now wasn't the best time to go and try to tackle hug either of 'em...something had happened, and she wasn't too sure what. She was too short to see over the heads and bodies of everyone else so she was unaware of Siduri's predicament or why the mood was the way it was. Maybe they had lost the raid? That had to be it, right? Feeling like she was already probably late, she did her best to make her way to the front so she could see without disturbing anyone else, and sat down, looking up at mom and dad with a wag of her tail.
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