

Eltrysfull name
El (Intimately)nicknames
3 Yearsage
Summer of Year 17birthdate
Lawful Goodalignment
hereplot thread

Powerful shoulders and a broad back give Eltrys an imposing stance, despite his average stature. A thick mane of fur around his neck adds to his regal and robust countenance. A dark brown face with a wide handsome jaw can potentially hide some emotive facial features, while his small stark arctic blue eyes are a startling contrast to his wide face and easily convey subtle emotion.

His shaggy fur is a mix of deep browns with tints and shades of warm sand through his throat, neck ruff, up to the base of his ears, behind his shoulders then in bright burnt orange speckles down his back like embers alight from a crackling fire.

Gait: Sauntering
Scent: A heady musk of vanilla, cedarwood, and campfire smoke.
Voice claim: Henry Cavil as Geralt
Pronounciation: Elle-trissappearance

Raised in a strict religious sect as a reincarnated ancient hero his life had been laid out in front of him on a silver platter, with heavy expectations and high promises. When they were then swiftly taken away as quickly as his beloved mother's last breath he was forced to think deeply about who he was and his purpose, opening his ego and spirit. He's since determined strict religious hegemony is abhorrent.

He is steadfast in his honesty, courage, compassion, honor and duty. He has had to redefine these on his journey away from the cult of his upbringing. He has taken up the pillars of Ethne as his own: To uphold the individual as indiscriminate and to welcome the different facets of love wholly.

Eltrys is highly sensitive to the moods of those around him, even sometimes that of strangers. His intense training as a high priest meant he was to be a comfort to those who came to him. Since his path was diverted he will struggle to let those around him hide their grief from him especially as he is intensely perceptive when an emotional character puts up a mask. He is yet gullible though around practiced manipulators.


Our character is often revealed at our highs and lows... Be humble at the mountaintops, be steadfast in the valleys. Be faithful in between.

"venor, ergo sum" (I hunt, therefore I am)

Inventory listing
Icon Name Description Details Quantity
Battle Accessory - Defensive Battle Accessory - Defensive A defensive battle accessory. A hardened black leather vest studded with bone and a thick breast plate. n/a
Battle Accessory - Offensive Battle Accessory - Offensive An offensive battle accessory. A hardened leather face shield adorned with antlers. n/a
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