

Hattori Shinreifull name
Spring of Year 20birthdate
Dire wolfsize
Lawful Neutralalignment
Talia player
Quite a diluted specimen in comparison to his parents' bright spotted hues, there's a running joke that Shinrei is a ghost amongst his koi family. Soft, peachy cream fur lines his slender yet muscular frame, a spitting image of Hattori's in terms of height and build. His lineage manifests in fiery orange splotches tamed with white patches, a careful and delicate balance of palates both soft and vivid. They're oddly symmetrical to both side of his body, brought together by a well-placed orange and white paired marking in the middle of his forehead. Nothing about the chaos within is coat is sorely out of place, nor is it clashing. A pair of aqua blue eyes doesn't clash with his fur, rather, it brings out a balanced sense of brightness to his facial features, soft and clear like a summer sky. Shinrei's body is sculpted, muscle and sinew finely wrapped over a sturdy yet graceful skeleton. He will be regarded as handsome, finely built and a fine representative of his koi wolf heritage. Pearly horns define him as his father's son, on the smaller side yet very formidable in tandem with his sheer size. He is also blessed with double dewclaws, front and hind legs. However, the front dewclaws will be noticeably larger as they contain a set of sharp, talon-like spurs instead of normal nails. Not only that, but coppery, shimmery scales replace the furry pelt on both sides of his torso, reaching from his upper ribcage down to near his hips. The scales are tough, and much harder to penetrate than a normal skin, making it an advantage in battle and spars. In all, Shinrei's pearly appearance stands out in stark contrast to the rest of his family, but his dire height, muscular frame, and mutations all make him an undeniable member of the Hattori lineage.appearance

Shinrei is not only a reminiscent image of his lineage in appearances, his demeanor from birth is one that resembles his father eerily well. He's quiet, silent, and stoic. Barely a flicker of true emotion belies his permanent soft frown and unreadable gaze. He really keeps to himself, a closed book of sorts; nobody really knows what he's feeling. At least, not anything below the surface anyways, because Shinrei finds no reason to portray any strong emotion. He doesn't think it a weakness to show it, but it's his personal preference that he finds no need to be emotional. He's also honorable, deeming his sole purpose in life is to reach the goals of his father's wishes and demands. He doesn't feel his parents' ideals are unreasonable, nor does he understand why his siblings wouldn't wish to fulfill their parents' wishes for their lives as well. He finds satisfaction in ensuring his father is nothing short of proud of him, and he seeks to accomplish that. Like Hattori, he is strict and stern; though his willingness to please his parents appears to be something of meek will, Shinrei is actually quite sure of himself. He knows who he is, and knows what he wants to be -- he is not easily shaken, not easily swayed. Call him stubborn, but Shinrei holds himself to high standards and will not let others persuade him otherwise. He does have a sot side, one reserved for family; above all else, Shinrei will spill blood, even his own, if it means those he cares for will be safe. personality

Inventory listing
Icon Name Description Details Quantity
Minor Mutation Pass Minor Mutation Pass Allows a single minor mutation to be applied to a new character. Horns - Offensive n/a
Minor Mutation Pass Minor Mutation Pass Allows a single minor mutation to be applied to a new character. Owl eyes - Perception n/a
Minor Mutation Pass Minor Mutation Pass Allows a single minor mutation to be applied to a new character. Torso scales - Defensive n/a
Minor Mutation Pass Minor Mutation Pass Allows a single minor mutation to be applied to a new character. Torso scales - Defensive n/a
Open Character Pass Open Character Pass Allows creation of a character free of charge, including all markings and colorations (height not included). n/a n/a
Post-Acceptance Minor Mutation Post-Acceptance Minor Mutation Allows a minor mutation to develop on an accepted character (takes one season to fully develop IC). front dewclaw spurs - offensive n/a
Height/Height Reduction Pass (In Inches) Height/Height Reduction Pass (In Inches) Allows for a character to either have height or height reduction. Purchase is per inch. n/a 1
Height/Height Reduction Pass (In Inches) Height/Height Reduction Pass (In Inches) Allows for a character to either have height or height reduction. Purchase is per inch. n/a 1
Height/Height Reduction Pass (In Inches) Height/Height Reduction Pass (In Inches) Allows for a character to either have height or height reduction. Purchase is per inch. n/a 4
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