

Ignis Praetorfull name
Iggy, Ig, Blödhgarmnicknames
9 Yearsage
Winter of Year 11birthdate
Dire wolfsize
Chaotic Evilalignment
Whatever he feels likesexuality
herepost log
hereplot thread
Dragon Mod player

Ignis at first glance upon arriving into the world is an oddity compared to those born beside him. At first, it would appear as if his mother had hemorrhaged while birthing her children into the world, but will soon be discovered that luckily, it wasn't the case. From the moment of birth, Ignis shows that he has a fiery spirit, unwilling to let those around him keep him from what belongs to him.

The beast appears as if he were born from the very pits of Hell. Noticeably different then his littermates and the rest of his family, Ignis' fur is blood red, a contrast to those who were born beside him. Likewise, his eyes seem to hold the same crimson like the rest of his body, and in time he will earn the nickname "Blödhgarm" which means Blood-Wolf, a name that perfectly describes his unique appearance. The male takes after his father in height, coming to stand at 45" and weighing a hefty 200 pounds. Thick muscles and a powerful frame carry the man tall and proud, his stature never wavers even when the odds are against him. His fur is thick and coarse, giving him a rugged looking appearance. Rubies are set within a chiseled visage, the beast commanding the attention of those among him. He always carries himself high, crown and banner almost always seeking to rise above the rest.

Three scars across his face from fighting a tiger in the Fall of Year 12.
A scar that runs the length of his ankle from a bear in the Winter of Year 12.
Significant scarring on the left thigh from Harbringr (Ashen vs Winterfell raid)
A scar on his left shoulder from a hot steam pocket.
Docked tail from a severe wound given by Acere Praetor during the battle for Winterfell.
More facial scarring from Azure during Medusa's pack challenge
Scarring on the left side of his ribs from Bellamy
Trio of scars across his spine from Azure during trespass of Pirate Lands
Left ear was torn away from a fight with his son Cinaed in Spring, Year 18

Here is a rough sketch of his scars. Please note that his tail is docked, as well as his left ear, and the first set of scars on his face is missing in the image :'( will have an updated ref soon!


Once a curious boy that was concerned for others more than himself, Ignis has grown into something unexpected. He fought the supposed demons that were written in the history of his blood for a while, and he was sure he had succeeded. However, it seems that even with the help and guidance of his uncle and those he looked up to, it seemed not even that was enough to quell the voices that began to speak to him. It wasn't until after his heart was broken by his best friend after a love confession gone wrong that his mind began to change. Despite him trying hard to be a "good guy", it was evident that he couldn't take the immense feeling of rejection and heartbreak. While yes, his best friend loved him back, Ignis wasn't the one he chose. And in turn, the gears in the crimson male's head began to change into something darker. Why should he continue to be the good guy if he still didn't get the one he loved? What was the point in being the good guy if his efforts were in vain? These were just a couple of the thoughts whispered into his ear at night.

The once warm-hearted boy quickly turned cold. He doesn't particularly care to spare anyone's feelings these days, and in fact, doesn't give much of a rat's ass about anyone but himself. Since that event, he became a bit of a recluse. The male avoids talking about his feelings and acts as if nothing is wrong with him. After all, he's had plenty of practice pretending to be okay since his last encounter with his father. And he even had a feeling in the back of his mind that maybe he didn't really care about anyone to begin with considering he didn't feel a thing after his uncle killed his father. Though the reasons for that were justified, Ignis can't help but tell himself maybe he was just faking emotion all along. He doesn't know anymore. Now, there seems to be a fine line between loyalty to his family and pursuing his own goals.

He still keeps the fiery and dominant spirit he's had since he was a child, but with a bit of a twist. He leans towards selfishness at this point, preferring to do what it takes to achieve his own goals and ambitions while not caring who gets hurt in the process. He's been able to hide his ambitions and intentions, leading others to think he's the good guy he grew up showing on the outside. But in reality, the voices have been quietly molding him into something else. A creature void of empathy. A self-serving beast. He seeks glory and a name for himself, and he's intent on achieving that goal by whatever means necessary.

While he may still be capable of loyalty, it is only to those who he deems worthy of it. He's a fickle beast, guarding his heart now more than ever, and believes love to be nothing more than an illusion. His loyalties, affections, & interests tend to frequently change to suit his needs, especially if it's to further his own goals and ambitions. It is possible for him to feel love again, however, don't bet on it. It would likely take quite a while before this side of him is reached...

Sometime during his 3rd year, he finally developed Dissociative identity disorder. There are certain things that trigger it more often than others, particularly if he's feeling aggressive or when someone else is showing aggression to him, when he's threatened, or perhaps when he feels he needs to guard himself. These are just some examples, but not all! He's capable of hiding it fairly well depending on the situation. He has a smooth tongue and opts to weave a web of words to try and get what he wants and hide his true intentions. Aggression seems to be his main trait lately, as he clearly struggles to feel empathy and compassion now. To make matters worse, he has also inherited his father's Schizophrenia. He hears one voice in his head that goes by the name Blödhgarm. This voice is far more violent and often tries to convince him to do things he otherwise wouldn't do when he is feeling like his normal self. When Blödhgarm appears, Ignis' way of talking completely changes, as does his entire personality. Blödhgarm is violent and willing to hurt, maim, or even try to kill anyone, regardless of who they are depending on the situation. There is almost nothing Ignis can do when Blödhgarm takes control, and the way he feels when he's out of control is described as him (Ignis) locked in a room, staring through a single window as Blödhgarm wreaks havoc! There are times when Ignis does not remember what Blödhgarm has done (he blacks out), and other times where he is still very much aware of what is happening, but is powerless to stop it 99% of the time. It is extremely rare that Ignis manages to regain control before something happens.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

Inventory listing
Icon Name Description Details Quantity
Dire Wolf Height Pass Dire Wolf Height Pass Allows height up to 45" on a character. 45" n/a
Full Abnormal Color Full Abnormal Color Allows a character's base color to be something unnatural. n/a 1
Deer Dad's Blessing Deer Dad's Blessing Allows a deer-themed post-acceptance minor mutation. Can be offensive or defensive (takes one season to fully develop IC). Sika deer antlers (Offensive) n/a
Large Companion Large Companion Allows for a large companion less than 25" tall (for birds, wingspan of 50" or less; for reptiles, length of 50" or less). Male palm cockatoo, 40" n/a
Large Companion Large Companion Allows for a large companion less than 25" tall (for birds, wingspan of 50" or less; for reptiles, length of 50" or less). Male wolverine, 20" n/a
Battle Accessory - Defensive Battle Accessory - Defensive A defensive battle accessory. A black bear cape that sits over his shoulders and midway down his back, the bear paws are held together and they drape across the center of his chest. n/a
Battle Accessory - Offensive Battle Accessory - Offensive An offensive battle accessory. Skull helmet. n/a
Large Accessory Large Accessory Allows for a large accessory. A necklace made of deer hide with a fisher skull pendent that has purple rubies in the eye sockets. n/a
Equalizer Equalizer [NR] [NT] Using this in a fight copies your opponent's stats and fight bonuses (fight form), and uses them as your own. n/a 1
Specialty Unlock Specialty Unlock [NR] [NT] Unlocks a 2nd specialty slot permanently. Usable once a skill is fully mastered. n/a n/a
Xtra Grow Potion Xtra Grow Potion [NR] [NT] Allows a character to grow 2" upon drinking it, max height of 45". n/a 1
[NR] indicates a non-refundable item; [NT] indicates a non-transferable item.
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