Ardent Wolf RPG - Elysium Band

Elysium Band

I don’t consider myself to be a particularly ethical person, but I am fair.

The Elysium Band was formed by the Mendacium family, lead by their Matriarch, as a way to bring their family together as they make their permanent home among the lands of Boreas and Auster. Strength, self improvement, and loyalty are paramount among them. They are protective of their own and loose in their morals, but dedicated to their beliefs.

General Rules

  • As the mate of the matriarch, Alastor has equal power in the band to make decisions and add members.

  • Do what you wish, but know that your consequences are your own. The band will not suffer for your personal mistakes.

  • Anyone that is a member of Elysium Band must respect the Mendacium way of life even if they do not agree or follow it themselves.

  • Any wolves that wish to join must first be vetted by Manea or Alastor before they can be accepted into the band.

  • If any wolves that are a member of the band wish to have a litter and have the children be a part of the band it must be approved by Manea.

Current Location

Wildberry Grove

Upcoming Location

Cedar Falls

Previous Location

Hot Springs



