
Character Creation


  1. We require everyone to have an OOC Account. This account should be used as the Master Account, and all other users will be linked to this using the Account Switcher Plugin. Please name this whatever you want your alias to be.

  2. Each character must have their own account. Please register with your character's first name or chosen nickname only. First and last name is also acceptable. Please do not add symbols to a name, unless it is a character in their name.

  3. If a name you want is taken, you may have some options:
    1. Names taken/reserved by active players cannot be used without their explicit permission. If the player chooses to give you permission to use a name, they need to post in Maintenance confirming a name change or character deletion if applicable. Sometimes players will add a numerical suffix to the end of their name to distinguish between characters if they do not want their character deleted.
    2. Names taken by players inactive for over a year can be taken freely, just post in Maintenance requesting the name. In the case of a character with a substantial post count, staff will rename said character with a numerical suffix.


  1. Please make sure your profile is complete before posting your character in Approvals! This is very important as we will not accept characters unless the profile is filled out.

  2. On profiles, we have the following requirements: At least 100 words in the appearance section, and 150 words in the personality section. The history section is optional.

  3. Your character must be at least one year old, unless born on-site or unless a rogue pup pass has been purchased in our Gemstone store.

  4. Characters on Ardent only grow to be ten years old, unless additional years have been purchased for them from the Gemstone store (with a 13 year maximum, or 15 with an event-exclusive item).
    What this means, is that characters will automatically die when they turn 10 unless a pass has been purchased. These passes must be purchased no later than a week into the season of their 10th birthday.
New Member Promotion New, first-time members can get one Gemstone Store item worth up to 400 gems to be used on their first character only. These gems cannot be saved for a future character. You do not need to do an official Gemstone Store purchase for this first item, simply list the details out completely in your application!


  1. Eye color may be anything except black, unless Melanism has been purchased; similarly, red or pink eyes (as well as pink noses, but not both) are permitted with any coat color except when used with a mostly white or cream pelt, for these traits combined are strictly Albinistic. If a character has any two albino traits (mostly white/cream pelt, red/pink eyes, pink noses/pawpads), albinism must be purchased regardless.

  2. Coats can be any natural color for free, and while they may have unique designs or odd markings, these must be purchased through our Gemstone store. Please note that you cannot add a marking or change a coat color after a character has been created, and likewise you cannot add additional height to a character after approval (unless such a pass is obtained through site contests or events).

  3. Natural Colors
    Unnatural Colors

Height & Size

  1. Height is measured at the shoulder.

  2. Height for wolf characters may not exceed 36 inches or go under 23 inches, unless additional height or height reduction has been purchased through our Gemstone store, or from a site event.

  3. Dire height is only available via site donation, or as a site event reward.

  4. Height is inherited (discounted purchase price in gemstones; see Breeding and Litter Rules) from a parent if a pup is being born on-site. Please note you can not buy additional height or height reduction for a character after it has been created, unless a growth pass is rewarded via event or site donation.

  5. Size categories are as follows:

    • ** Toy height: 15 inches - 15 inches (event reward)
    • Extra-Small: 17 inches - 22 inches
    • Small: 23 inches - 28 inches
    • Medium: 29 inches - 34 inches
    • Large: 35 inches - 39 inches
    • Extra-Large: 40 inches - 42 inches
    • ** Dire Wolf: 43 inches - 45 inches (event reward/donation reward)

    * Other species sizes:

    • Small Species: non-wolf characters under 23" tall (birds wingspan under 42", reptiles under 4' long)
    • Large Species: non-wolf characters over 23" tall (birds wingspan over 42", reptiles over 4' long)


  1. Build categories are as follows:

    • *Emaciated
    • Light
    • Balanced
    • Heavy
    • *Obese

    *Note that emaciated and obese are outlier builds, and these characters will be less healthy and physically capable.

  2. The three normal builds to choose from at character creation are light, balanced and heavy. In general, light character are slender and tend to be more agile, and therefore better at evading blows than a muscular character of the same height, while a heavy character would usually be a muscular character able to land stronger attacks. A balanced build character would be more balanced between the two. Additionally there are two outlier builds, emaciated and obese, for wolves whose builds fall outside the norm, and are less physically capable.

  3. Build can change naturally throughout your character's time on Ardent, due to various circumstances, within reason. Simply post in Maintenance to request a change.


  1. Natural mutations such as missing limbs, congenital blindness, chimeras, intersex, etc. are allowed, though we ask that they be played as realistically as possible. Additionally, intersex characters are allowed, though they may only have one set of WORKING reproductive organs, which is to say they cannot father some litters and mother others. You must choose one or the other and stick with it from the time they are put up for approval.

  2. Mutations that are not naturally occurring in wolves, but may occur in other canines (such as woolly or curly fur, or long fur as in afghan hounds) or features that are exaggerated beyond natural (such as unnaturally long ears or tail) do not fall under this rule and must be either caused by a dog ancestor if it is a dog trait (and a paid canine pass must be purchased).

  3. Mutations that don't occur in canines at all are still possible, though are only obtainable via site events and contests, or by donating to fund the site.

Regarding Mutations

Mutation is the term most commonly used on Ardent to refer to features that are not normally found in a species. There is no set list for allowed mutations - they are simply subject to Admin approval. Mutations come in two types, minor mutations and major mutations, though the latter is exceedingly rare and only obtainable through events.

Approved Minor Mutations
  • Cat claws
  • Luminescent/lightly shimmering fur
  • Elongated mane, elongated tail, lion-like mane, long fur on any one section of the body
  • Quills (on a small section of the body)
  • Hedgehog-like bristles (on any one section of the body)
  • Saber teeth, small tusks, serrated teeth, sharpened teeth
  • Small horns, small antlers
  • Textured fur (i.e. curly, shaggy)
  • Tufted ears, long/unusually shaped ears
  • Snake eyes
  • Prehensile tail, paws

Approved Major Mutations
  • Wings (non-functional)
  • Large horns, full-sized antlers
  • Double tails
  • Sheathed tail


  1. Characters may speak any language you prefer them to speak, though the greater majority of Ardent characters speak English. Including a translation in the post of any characters who may speak a different language is highly recommended and makes threading with them easier.

  2. Similarly, characters can have any background, culture, or belief system that you choose. Characters do not have to be born in any of our lands - feel free to be creative in where they came from.

  3. Canine passes may be purchased in our Gemstone Store and allow for any other species of canine to come into play. If a non-wolf canine chooses to have a litter with a wolf character, they must purchase canine passes for the offspring.

  4. Other species characters can be purchased in our Gemstone Store. These characters may create and join packs, though may only successful mate and give birth with another character of the same species, and they must abide by the same mating and birthing rules as loners. Other species characters may purchase any of the same passes a wolf species character may including marking passes, height, unnatural colors, and companion passes. However, a small-sized other species character may only purchase a small companion, not a large companion.

Site Exclusive Linearts

Available in the following variants: Adolescent, Light build, Medium build, and Heavy build
Additional options: Scars, droopy ears, bobbed tail

  1. These linearts are only to be used for Ardent characters (if posted or shared off-site, a link to Ardent is required)

  2. They are not to be sold, except for on-site currency (gemstones, item trades - no cash)

  3. Lineart may be freely edited (injuries, mutations, etc.)