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Hullo c: Your friendly neighborhood Indie here. Welcome to my plot page- which is actually just a thread front with a link to a google doc with my characters on it ... because it was just easier to do that than try and code something that I was semi-happy with. Anyways.
Before I scare you off though, I write to the comfort level of whoever I'm writing with. I never ever ever ever want to upset anyone or make anyone uncomfortable, and I'm perfectly fine avoiding all of these topics. That being said,
I'm a closeted, godless heathen- when it comes to writing of course. In real life, I'm as big of a vanilla bean as they come. But I'm open to writing topics covering pretty much everything. The only hard line I draw that I'm aware of is child abuse. When it comes to messing with any puppy characters I play ... hard no.
Mature characters, however, are fair game. And I mean that. I don't want to make a blanket statement for every situation that may occur. But I'm certainly open to discussing any of the following: Random acts of graphic violence of any nature
(including but not limited to Fighting, Injuring, Maiming, Force Claiming, and Force Mating) Substance Abuse, Self-Harm, Incest
(as long as it's within predetermined guidelines, makes sense, and isn't breaking any rules I personally agreed to when adopting or making the character), Pregnancy related issues if the situation arises, First or third party complications with a personality disorder, Kidnapping
(with no physical trauma- very firm on that), Or excessive use of foul language. If I failed to mention something, please don't hesitate to ask c:
DISCLAIMER. Again. Just because I'm a weirdo that has very little reservations about being cruel to characters, doesn't mean that I'm overzealous in involving these topics when writing. I aim to be 100% respectful of sensitive topics when writing with someone who would prefer to avoid them. And honestly, I'm probably not going to be approaching anyone on my own anyways, because anxiety ^^;
If you have any questions or proposals, let me know! My discord is Indie#0851
Without further ado, here are my current characters!
UPDATED 3/15/23