
Nothing like a raid to get your blood flowing

Elysium & Valta Raid



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
02-25-2023, 05:06 PM

All of their preparations and plans had so far gone off without a hitch. She and their other fighters had gathered up in the Redbud Nook nearby at the campsite so well put together by their scouts and healers and she was confident that their remaining wolves back home would hold down the fort just fine. So far so good. Now they had to just execute the raid itself. Nervous and excited, Avacyn stood in front of her fighters at the edge of their temporary camp, drawing their attention and telling them, "Remember, Valta is one of our allies. We are here for experience alone. Anyone that attempts any permanent damage to one of their members will be punished when we return home. Understood?" With that warning made, she grinned and added, "Alright, lets go fight."

She turned then, heading toward Valta's border with her fighters behind her as the sun passed over head. It was well into the afternoon, but there was still plenty of sunlight to be had. It would likely be nearing sundown by the time they were done and it made her glad that they had decided to set up a camp near by so they would be able to rest before the trip home. As they reached the opposing pack's border she grinned with excitement and then tipped her head back, howling loud and strong for their opponents to hear. She knew it wouldn't be a secret to the other pack that they had a raid incoming, but she wouldn't know how Kotori would want to handle letting his members know about said raid or if they would be here waiting for them. Regardless, she kept moving over the border, keeping her dark gaze peeled for her first opponent.

"Avacyn Mendacium"



Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Blessed Blessed

3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - BisexualHomebodyStudentSamhain 2022
02-25-2023, 05:47 PM

Traveling as a pack across outside lands was definitely weird. Fia had her fair share of sneaking out and in time the trips outside by herself when she was old enough and capable of herself. Somehow none of this felt... right. But she just went along as was expected of her. As a pack member and as that hand-me-down from Avacyn. She wouldn't complain. Though, she couldn't help that more usual irritated look on her face.

As they neared the border, Ava had instructed that they not harm each other once the battles started. And that sounded dreadfully boring. She'd have to keep her jaw shut through every spar, otherwise she may have accidently maimed someone. If it was an accident though? She could wonder what the consequences really were. She could play a helpless little girl not knowing her own strength for sure. Only time would tell if she'd do so though. And the time was short.

Fia joined Avacyn and the others as they passed over borders, and waited for their opponents to arrive.


Fiametta is an !M rated! character for highly Sexual themes. Please Discord me if you have concerns and please read at your own risk.


"The Deviant Prince"


Master Fighter (345)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bodyguard Bodyguard

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipDouble Master1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
02-25-2023, 06:17 PM

Saracyn had been itching for this moment. With how things had been going lately, taking some of this pent up aggression out on someone he could actually fight and bite instead of the ones who actually deserved his wrath would be a much needed release. The crimson prince had brought his sword and his armor to the fight, preparing for this raid as if it were real. Yes, he knew this was all in practice, but that didn't mean he was going to be holding back. There was zero chance he was going to leave a sliver of doubt that the Mendacium family brought power and strength to the table. He and Avacyn had gathered the rest of the fighters from the Redbud Nook just as noon had passed, and by the time they reached Valta's borders the sun was moving westward. There was still plenty of daylight left to burn, however; as winter was drawing to a close, the days were slowly becoming longer.

Avacyn once more reminded them of the friendly nature of this raid. They were not to go for maims or permanent damage. Saracyn gave a curt nod of his head, icy cerulean eyes surveying the Valtan landscape of the falls. The rushing water would make it challenging to hear anyone approaching, but he was prepared. The brute turned his gaze momentarily to his sister and saw the excitement in her grin. He also saw the nervousness hidden in her ebony eyes. He leaned in closer to her side, giving her neck a nuzzle under the guise of a friendly gesture to whisper to her. "You've got this. I'm with you." Saracyn would never leave Avacyn's side, lest of all in the face of battle. Just like all the times they'd faced dangers together. Now sufficiently beyond the pack's borders, Saracyn issued his own howl, challenging any who would come and face them. Vaaaltaaa, come out to plaaaay!

"Saracyn Mendacium"

Warning: Saracyn is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
Saracyn's designated wolf to protect as a Bodyguard is Avacyn. She may enter his threads not marked as Private.




Master Fighter (270)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Ranger Ranger

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
02-25-2023, 07:41 PM

Chade was excited at a chance for another raid.  The blue wolf had faith in Avacyn to lead them well and expected they had good odds to come out victorious in this battle.  While Chade did love a good fight with high-risk stakes he understood being cautious when fighting allies nor did he have any desire to maim another wolf.  Chade could save his true aggression for bears or threats to the family.  

The blue wolf surreptitiously did his best to avoid finding himself overly close to Saracyn.  They had never reached any sort of peace between them and Chade doubted that would ever happen.  Thank all gods that existed that it was Ava who was the heir and not that monster.  Should Saracyn ever lead the pack it would be time for Chade and Ry to leave.

He crossed over the border behind Avacyn, bright red eyes scanning the terrain as they moved.  Chade hoped for a good challenging fight ahead of him.


[Image: 8dxR4AS.png?1] [Image: hnKjKwF.png?2]



2 Years
Extra large
02-26-2023, 12:15 AM

Anticipation slithered through his veins as Rhysand followed his pack mates to Valta's territory. This was going to be his first raid and he'd soak in every moment of it. Rhysand enjoyed fighting and was rather intrigued to witness an all out battle. Being new to these lands he was completely clueless as to what to expect out of these opposing Wolves. He'd never encountered a Valtan, that he knew of. But, judging by the other Wolves of these lands they'd likely be riddled with mutations and be of mountainous height.

Strides slowed as they crossed into the 'enemies' territory. It did feel odd to tresspass but his adrenaline tossed away any hesitation. As their leader, Avacyn, stopped he did as well. Pale green eyes took in the land as she howled her challenge. Saracyn followed with a call of his own but Rhysand remained silent. Curiosity swam in his eyes as he waiting for an opponent patiently. Would they be ready or come scrambling to their pack's defense? He did not know but just in case the pale beast moved into an idle defensive stance. Ears flicked back slightly, lips twitched up to flash fangs, and his body lowered slightly.


Rhysand is a rated M character.
[Image: Banshee-icon.png][Image: Cairn-Icon.png][Image: incubus-icon.png][Image: rhysand-icon.png][Image: thyri-icon.png][Image: Vaella-icon.png][Image: verity-icon.png]



Master Fighter (285)

Master Hunter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

8 Years

Snake EyesCritical Block!OverachieverPride - Demisexual
02-26-2023, 12:33 AM

Since the raid meeting and the announcement of partnering up for patrols, the scarred woman has made sure that Kotori is her buddy on almost everyone. He understands how much she hates social situations and knows just how much of a struggle it is for her to speak. Their patrols are often passed in silence or, when the earthen male says something, he is given soft grunts as answers. They understand each other and that is why Tove has given her life to the young alpha.

The polar bear claw lightly bumps against as they take an afternoon patrol, the comfortable silence remaining unbroken until the call to battle rings out across the land. Paws falter a moment as she looks to Kotori, the need to be unleashed to go fight burns brightly in her eyes. Only when Ko releases her does Tove shoot across the land, tearing up the earth as she goes. She may be older and scarred but the woman’s Viking blood burns hot in this moment.

Arriving on the battlefield first, the woman does not halt or scan the area to pick a target; no, her eyes immediately land on the leader of the party and she charges across the distance toward the purple woman. Racing up to the woman, Tove makes her body a weapon as she launches up toward the taller opponent and aims to try and slam herself into the leader’s chest. At the same time, she aims a bite at the wolf’s cheek, trying to force her to stop and engage in combat with the smaller wolf. A rough, gravelly growl works its way past damaged vocal cords.

Tove vs Avacyn for Dominance / Raid
Round 1/?
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Large
Build: Medium
Skills: Master Fighter & Master Hunter
Specialty: Bloodletter

"Tove Baade"

Tove is heavily scarred on her face, neck, and shoulders. Please note that none of her art depicts them but they are there.



Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

6 Years

Pride - Bisexual
02-26-2023, 12:36 AM

After the announcement of the upcoming raid, Athena had increased her patrols and sparring with Strix. The prospect of a practice raid, her first as a member of Valta, is terribly exciting. So, when the call from the ‘intruding’ pack reaches her ears, Athena shoot Strix a grin as the pair take off. She thunders towards the falls, racing as if it these are real attackers and not just a friendly pack. Soon, the sight of several, colorful wolves greets the earthen-hued woman’s eyes and a grin tugs at her lips.

Amber gaze zeros in a tall, red girl and Athena shifts her paws so that their courses will intersect. The young wolf is taller but it does little to worry the earthen wolf and she continues to charge straight toward the girl. Coming at the stranger head on, Athena aims to shift toward her right side while leaping up toward the girl’s shoulder joint. If her bite lands, the woman will only apply enough pressure to bruise but will leave no permanent damage; just as the alpha had instructed them.

Athena vs Fiametta for Dominance / Raid
Round 1/?
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Medium
Build: Light
Companion 1: Little owl, Male - Flying
Skills: Expert Fighter & Master Intellectual
Specialty: Bard

"Athena Nocturna"

Athena has a Little Owl companion named Archimedes. He is always nearby.



Master Fighter (260)

Advanced Hunter (90)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

8 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Observation!Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
02-26-2023, 12:46 AM

After living as a rogue for so long and only fending for himself, it was an interesting concept to be moving in unison with so many of his pack mates like this. He gave Ikigai a kiss for good luck before he parted ways with her, leaving her in the safety of their campsite as he went off with the other fighters as they crossed the Valta border with his niece at the lead. This was one of the first times he really felt as if he was a real member of a pack and he hoped that feeling continued as they took on their first opponents. A few of Valta's members came rushing out to meet them, clashing with Avacyn and Fiametta first as they took up the beginning of the charge, so he hung back slightly, waiting for more of the defending wolves to appear for him to find his own target. He couldn't imagine that he'd be kept waiting long and a grin lingered on his lips while he waited with his avian companions swooping back and forth overhead to help keep an eye out for any approaching wolves.

"Deimos Medacium"


02-26-2023, 01:08 AM
They knew the raid was coming, it was only a question of when. Sanna does not know her packmates from a hole in the wall, really, but she does know the faces she saw at the meeting. She knows the ones who will smell like they come from somewhere else, and the ones that do not seem to belong. The call that came from the Falls, that was the one she'd been waiting for, of course. It was time to throw herself into the fray and prove that she really was worth something after all.

The first to catch her eye is a purple behemoth with a flamboyant marking around his eye. He was watching, waiting. May as well give the man what he came for.

Though he's significantly taller, he was heavier too. That would do. Sanna was fast as she moved to engage him, knowing she'd need every advantage she could possibly take. Darting into the heart of things, her paws digging into the ground with brazen confidence. Her green eyes flashed, and her teeth shone out from under her pale mottled lips. There was no telling exactly what, if anything, she'd be close enough to grab. The only thing that mattered now was she grabbed something as hard as she dared (this was a practice raid after all), and kept moving. Sanna would attempt to engage him and keep going. If she could keep her distance until she wanted to make another attack, it would be in her favor.


Sanna vs Deimos for dominance (raid)
Round 1/2
Age: over 1
Size: Medium
Build: Light
Skills: Beginner Fighter & Beginner Healer



Master Fighter (260)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf

Dream Weaver1KThe Ooze Participant
02-26-2023, 01:19 AM
He had been slightly on edge as he waited eagerly for the raid to kick off. It made him almost wish it had been a complete surprise so at least he wouldn't be waiting in anticipation for it. He kept his armor and bracers on more often than not just in case so that he would be prepared as soon as their opponents arrived. Pan hung out in his mane as he usually did and Bream hung out in a near by tree, both of them feeling his anxiousness and just as much at the ready as he was. Eventually, that howl he had been waiting for finally came and he hopped up at an instant, running out across Valta's territory to meet their opponents head on.

He wasn't the first to arrive from their side of the fight, but he wasn't far behind and he had quite a few to pick from. He noticed that Tove had gone for the woman that seemed to be leading he charge so he picked out the red and black male that almost looked like a mirror image counter part of Tove's opponent. He was confident in his abilities so he had absolutely no problem going for someone that looked like they were just as comfortable on a battlefield. With a grin, he charged forward toward the equally tall male, aiming his right shoulder directly into the red and black wolf's chest. He didn't pull any punches when it came to how fast or hard he threw his weight into the blow. He had no way of knowing for sure, but he just had a feeling that this guy would appreciate him putting up a good fight. He twisted his head, aiming to land a bite on the man's scruff as well while he was still in close courters.

Arcturus vs Saracyn for Dominance
Round 1/2
Age: Over 1 Year
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Light
Offensive Battle Accessory: Spiked bracers
Defensive Battle Accessory: Bear pelt armor
Companion 1: Osprey, Male - Flying - Boosted
Companion 2: Sunda pangolin, Male - Battle
Mutation 1: Feline Claws - Offensive
Mutation 2: Saber Fangs - Offensive
Mutation 3: Mane - Defensive
Skills: Master Fighter & Master Hunter

"Arcturus Indarra"



Master Fighter (355)

Expert Healer (175)

An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

4 Years

Snake Eyes
02-26-2023, 01:35 AM

The small Klein boy runs the familiar patrol route with Athena and the peaceful day lolls Strix into a wonderful daydream. As his paws pull him along, the boy dreams of being with his family and traveling with them. The call from the raiding party shatters his thoughts and the boy’s mismatched eyes glance to Athena. A smirk is given and the pair are off, racing to where the friendly pack is crossing their borders.

Fights are breaking out everywhere but, through the chaos, the small Strix spies an opponent. Nimble paws carry him across the distance and right up to the blue man. Without pausing, the Klein boy races up to the tall intruder and aims a bite at one of his large paws. Legs churn as he tries to pinch the toes and continue moving by the man in the hopes of tripping up the larger wolf. A grin never leaves his lips.

Strix vs Chade for Dominance / Raid
Round 1/?
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Small
Build: Light
Skills: Master Fighter & Expert Healer
Specialty: Unarmed

"Strix Klein"



Master Fighter (340)

Master Hunter (330)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022Double MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
02-26-2023, 01:36 AM

Kotori had been patrolling with Tove when the Avacyn’s howling challenge reached him.  Tove was loyal, respectful, and quiet and was thus excellent to patrol with.  Kotori had wanted wolves to partner up for patrols while watching for this raid and it often seemed she became his shadow partner.  When Ava’s challenging howl rang out Kotori’s face split into a smile.  He howled a calling of his pack to meet the threat and an added note for the enemy ‘bring it!’.

Kotori casts a look at Tove, a small tilt of his head in the direction of the border where their attackers wait.  With the signal given to her Kotori ran forward as well, happy to see that Athena also was already on the scene.  The notion of going for the leader is cast aside when Tove decides to take on that challenge herself.  

Kotori’s gaze flicks to a wolf with strangely placed horns and wreathed in purple.  He wore the scent of Iki but as Ko narrowed his eyes Sanna engaged with him.  Kotori’s gaze swings about and settles on a wolf who appeared to be ready in a defensive stance.  That one would do for a first target.

Kotori didn’t bother stopping, he just aimed to slam his entire bulk into the lighter-framed wolf’s shoulder.  Kotori’s teeth attempt to sink into the upper left side of Rhysand’s neck.  Kotori’s goal was simple in attempting to get the wolf off-balanced and control of the head.

Kotori vs Rhysand for Dominance
Round 1/2
Age: over 1 year
Size: Extra large
Build: Medium
Offensive Battle Accessory: Bracers with hidden knife
Defensive Battle Accessory: Hind leg leather bracers
Companion 1: Slender mongoose, Male - Battle - Boosted
Companion 2: Snow leopard, Male - Battle
Mutation 1: Horns - Offensive
Mutation 2: Agility boost - Agility
Skills: Master Fighter & Master Hunter
Specialty: Juggernaut

"Kotori Fatalis"

[Image: HMmbDEu.png]



2 Years
Extra large
02-26-2023, 02:06 AM

It did not take long for the opposing Wolves to make an appearance. Pale green eyes narrowed as he witnessed Avacyn and a red and black fae break out into battle. Then a smaller earthen toned femme targeted Fia. Rhys knew he was likely next and scanned the onslaught for anyone coming his way. Eyes locked onto a large horned brute running his way. This must be the one.

Instead of standing like a sitting duck, once Rhys realized Kotori was running at him he'd kick off and charge towards the heftier male. As the distance between them diminished Rhysand veered to his right and jutted out a boney left shoulder just before the two males finally made impact. Rhys let out a grunt as their bodies collided and he aimed to dig his paws into the earth to ensure stability. There would likely bruising along chest and shoulder from this, but there was no time to dwell on the current throbbing pain. Snapping teeth flew to Rhys' left and the pale beast attempted to take a step back and pull his head back, with hackles raised. Kotori was still able to grab hold of scruff which stopped any ambition to put distance between them. In retaliation, Rhysand lurched his head towards his opponent's exposed left side, hoping to sink teeth into the base of Kotori's neck.

Rhysand vs Kotori for Dominance
Round 1/2
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Extra large
Build: Light
Companion 1: Female red-tailed eagle, 48" - Battle
Skills: Expert Fighter & Novice Intellectual


Rhysand is a rated M character.
[Image: Banshee-icon.png][Image: Cairn-Icon.png][Image: incubus-icon.png][Image: rhysand-icon.png][Image: thyri-icon.png][Image: Vaella-icon.png][Image: verity-icon.png]



6 Years
Dire wolf
02-26-2023, 09:20 PM
Kavik followed the other fighters across Valta's borders and into their ally's lands with a sense of duty and purpose keeping his head held high. Though he was much more of a lover than a fighter, the white wolf had no qualms with getting a bit down and dirty in a good old fashioned brawl! It had been far too long since he'd actually participated in organized fights, and in many ways he was quite looking forward to it. As soon as the Elysian wolves got across the border towards the admittedly impressive falls, the Valta wolves were immediately upon them, and all at once chaos had erupted as fights broke out. What fun! Grinning to himself, Kavik began to skirt the outsides of the skirmish, keeping his icy blue eyes on the combatants and looking for a way to sneak in and surprise attack one of the unsuspecting defenders.

"Kävik av Fjellen"


"Do not underestimate the power of the floppy ears!"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

5 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
02-26-2023, 09:30 PM

Satira and Cináed had been... uh, busy when the Elysium wolves had decided to invade their territory. Wrapped up in one another up in their cozy den, Tira had Ciná exactly where she wanted him. On his back beneath her, she grinned down at him and kissed over his chest, slowly working her way lower... and lower... And then the howl for the raid went out, and the little wolf-dog's head popped up with floppy ears shooting to attention. An excited and jittery energy filled her and her little body was practically vibrating as she leapt off of her roommate/lover's body and scurried out of the bedroom to the common space of their den to don her armor and grab her weapon. "The raid! It's starting! Ciná, get up! It's time to go fight some bitches!" she gleefully shouted while wrapping her forelegs in protective leather straps and attaching her hidden blade bracer. Yeeeah, it kinda wasn't the most convenient time for the two of them, given how uncomfortable Ciná was likely to be for a few minutes, but you couldn't exactly reschedule an invasion.

Rushing to the entrance of their den which sat at the top of the massive falls, Satira glanced down the cliffside to the battles that had broken out around the base of the falls. A wide, eager grin split the young woman's lips, her fluffy curly tail wagging like crazy. Her first raid experience! With speckled paws tippy-tapping in barely contained excitement, Tira waited until Cináed had emerged from their den as well and shot a grin up to him from over her shoulder. "How about a wager to make things interesting? First one to get knocked out has to do anything the other wants for a whole night." With her sultry bet made, Satira didn't wait for Ciná to accept before she was racing off down the winding paths of the cliff, following the falls down to their base to join the fight. When she was on the last ledge before the ground, she noticed a larger white wolf creeping along the edges of the battle, getting closer and closer to her ledge. Beaming with a wicked smile, Satira crouched and tensed her limber muscles, waiting until he was within range before leaping off the ledge to pounce on the Elysium wolf from above with a melodramatic battle cry.

Satira vs Kavik for Dominance
Round 1/2
Age: 1+ years
Size: Extra small
Build: Light
Offensive Battle Accessory: Hidden blade
Defensive Battle Accessory: Front Leather Wraps
Companion 1: Peregrine falcon, Female - Flying
Companion 2: Leopard, Female - Battle
Mutation 1: Feline claws - Offensive
Skills: Advanced Fighter & Expert Healer




6 Years
Dire wolf
02-26-2023, 09:38 PM
Kavik had his eyes set on the Valta wolves while he circled the battlefield, watching the wolves fighting with intense interest. When he spotted a young female Valtan throwing herself at Deimos, he saw the perfect opportunity to ambush and overwhelm one of their enemies. Grinning to himself, Kavik prepared to lunge into the fight to double team the wolf with Deimos—only to hear a sudden shout above him. Brows furrowed in confusion. What the f-? A sudden weight landed on Kavik's back, not quite enough to take him down, but enough for him to sag a bit in surprise. Then came the pain as sharp claws dug into his back and sides out of nowhere. "What-?!" Kavik cried out, whipping about to try and see what was happening. He caught sight of a small canine on his back, clawing at him with youthful ferocity and rabid energy. Where the hell had she come from?!

Snarling in anger, Kavik bounded around the battlefield, trying to buck Satira off of him, but the little wolf-dog's catlike claws had a firm grip on him. He winced and grimaced as they cut into his back. Unable to throw her off, Kavik switched to an alternative method. Veering towards the cliffs of the falls, the white wolf flung himself at the rock, turning his body so he slammed his back into the stone face, pinning Tira between the hard rock and his weight. He heard the off from the young girl, but she didn't release him yet. A second bodyslam into the cliff did the trick though, and with another buck, the tiny canine went flopping onto the ground. Fangs bared, Kavik bore down on his fallen foe, aiming to grab her neck in his jaws and force her into submission.

Kavik vs Satira for Dominance
Round 1/2
Age: 1+ years
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Heavy
Offensive Battle Accessory: Steel Fang Caps
Defensive Battle Accessory: Leather Breastplate
Companion 1: Coyote, Male - Battle
Companion 2: Coyote, Female - Battle
Skills: Intermediate Fighter & Beginner Intellectual

"Kävik av Fjellen"


"Do not underestimate the power of the floppy ears!"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

5 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
02-26-2023, 09:58 PM

Success! Tira had stuck the landing on the white wolf's back, and as soon as she made contact with the enemy, her feline claws shot from her paws to dig into his skin. The wolf below her yowled in pain and began trying to buck her off, much to the delight of a giggling Satira. Like breaking a bucking bronco, she held on and refused to be thrown off, adding in a few bites to his scruff for good measure while she drove the brute mad. But then he got smart, and Tira felt gravity shift as he turned to throw her backwards into the cliff face. She felt the hard, unforgiving rock slam into her back, knocking the wind from her lungs as she was crushed between the wolf's greater weight and the unyielding cliff, but somehow she held on, refusing to give in so easily. That was rectified when the wolf threw her into the cliff a second time, slamming her between his body and the cliff. This time, Tira felt all of her muscles jolt as her strength gave out, leaving her sprawled limp across Kavik's back until he bucked and sent her flopping to the ground.

Tira's world spun for a moment while she tried to get her bearings back, but by the time her swirling vision began to settle, all she saw was a pair of massive jaws coming for her. Satira yelped and curled up on her back, tensing her hind legs in preparation for a counterattack. Once Kavik was upon her, the little wolf-dog kicked her legs out, strong muscles aiming to kick up into the underside of her attacker's jaw and snap his head back. At the same time, Tira went to roll to her paws and squirm her way under the larger wolf so she could access his more vulnerable underside, sharp feline claws seeking his more sensitive areas in order to force him into surrender.

Satira vs Kavik for Dominance
Round 2/2
Age: 1+ years
Size: Extra small
Build: Light
Offensive Battle Accessory: Hidden blade
Defensive Battle Accessory: Front Leather Wraps
Companion 1: Peregrine falcon, Female - Flying
Companion 2: Leopard, Female - Battle
Mutation 1: Feline claws - Offensive
Skills: Advanced Fighter & Expert Healer




6 Years
Dire wolf
02-26-2023, 10:03 PM
Although he had succeeded in dislodging the wolf-dog from his back, Kavik's attempt to grab and pin her had ultimately failed. His jaws had come so close to grabbing the smaller canine's neck, but all he got instead was a pair of powerful hind paws clocking him under his jaw and forcefully shutting his muzzle with a clack of teeth. A ringing went off in his ears and his head spun, dazed but still in the fight. When he collected himself and turned his attention back to the fae, he realized she was underneath him now. Kavik recoiled back, trying to get her away from his tender underbelly, but it was far too late. Sharp claws found his thighs and the brute yelped, rapidly backpedaling and falling over himself. The girl moved with him though, relentless in her attacks. With one last trick up his sleeve to subdue her, Kavik resorted to dropping all of his weight and body down on top of her from above. If she didn't retreat in time, he would end up successfully squishing and pinning her into submission. If she did, well, then he'd just left himself open for a pretty nasty counterattack.

Kavik vs Satira for Dominance
Round 2/2
Age: 1+ years
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Heavy
Offensive Battle Accessory: Steel Fang Caps
Defensive Battle Accessory: Leather Breastplate
Companion 1: Coyote, Male - Battle
Companion 2: Coyote, Female - Battle
Skills: Intermediate Fighter & Beginner Intellectual

"Kävik av Fjellen"


"The Deviant Prince"


Master Fighter (345)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bodyguard Bodyguard

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipDouble Master1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
02-26-2023, 10:16 PM

The defenders came soon after the call had gone out, meeting them with ferocity and determination. Good. They were going to need it. Saracyn stood beside Avacyn while he watched their fighters begin to engage the enemy one by one, sharp blue eyes observing their fights, their forms, their techniques so he could critique them should they fail. He was responsible for keeping an eye on their warriors' performance for this fight, after all, acting as the Commander would for this raid. He took his job with great seriousness; he would not disappoint his father. At one point at the outset of the battle, Sara saw a smaller wolf charge for Avacyn. The prince's instincts immediately kicked in, tensing in preparation to intercept the other wolf to protect his twin and their leader, but he knew Ava was a highly capable fighter, and instead let his sister take the lead. That decision turned out to be for the best, as not a moment later, a golden-furred brute was coming his way.

Cold eyes turned to the male, watching his movements and timing his momentum. Sara set his paws, spreading them to brace himself, and when the wolf went to ram him, Saracyn surged forward to collide with the other wolf, throwing his shoulder forward to both dire wolves would push into one another like sumo wrestlers. The tusks coming from the other brute's jaw were a formidable sight, but it just inspired the Mendacium prince to show no quarter. He snarled, flashing his own serrated fangs in threatening warning to the other male, and shoved forward with all his might. Though they were the same height, Saracyn had felt the other wolf's lack of weight behind his charge. Saracyn had the weight advantage, and he would use it to his benefit. Still pushing against the golden wolf, Sara let out a sharp whistle, summoning Vindr down from the sky. The harrier screeched at the Valtan wolf, aiming to claw at their opponent's face to guard his master against the other wolf's scruff bites. Seizing the moment, Saracyn lowered his head and shoved all of his weight forward, aiming to slip under the golden wolf's chest and use his opponent's lighter weight to topple him backwards onto the ground.

Saracyn vs Arcturus for Dominance
Round 1/2
Age: 1+ years
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Medium
Offensive Battle Accessory: Damascus steel longsword
Defensive Battle Accessory: Studded leather harness
Companion 1: Black falcon, Male - Flying - Boosted
Companion 2: Northern harrier, Male - Flying - Boosted
Mutation 1: Serrated Teeth - Offensive
Skills: Master Fighter & Master Hunter
Specialty: Bodyguard or Bloodletter

"Saracyn Mendacium"

Warning: Saracyn is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
Saracyn's designated wolf to protect as a Bodyguard is Avacyn. She may enter his threads not marked as Private.




Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Blessed Blessed

3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - BisexualHomebodyStudentSamhain 2022
02-27-2023, 09:36 AM

As the wolves rolled in it wouldn't take long before Fia would have her own opponent taking the first move on her. Though she had to say, she was pretty disappointed. Ava got to fight a red and colorful lady, and Saracyn got to fight a big guy. Fia internally huffed and rolled her eyes but she'd have to make do. It wasn't really that she thought the wolf wasn't capable or anything, but she thought she'd have more fun with the others. At least the others she was watching which was her siblings.

Athena would take a bite onto Fia's shoulder while Fia hadn't tried to evade her attack. Fia didn't have much experience in sparring so this would be a learning experience for her. She did grit her teeth and growl in response, holding back her own sharp and deadly bite as was requested by her sister. She just didn't know how to control her own strength when it came to that so she didn't want to risk it. The urge to latch onto the lady was real though. Instead she tried to pull away from the bite, taking her opposite paw and raising it to try and push down on the woman's shoulder as if to pry her off of her shoulder.

Fiametta vs Athena for Dominance
Round 1/2

Age: Over 1 Year
Size: Extra Large
Build: Light
Companion 1: Raven, Male - Flying [Battle]
Companion 2: Raven, Female - Flying [Battle]
*Companion 3: Ring-tailed lemur, Female - Battle
Mutation 1: Retractable Claws - Offensive
Mutation 2: Serrated Teeth - Offensive
Skills: Advanced Fighter & Master Intellectual
Specialty: Blessed & Bard


Fiametta is an !M rated! character for highly Sexual themes. Please Discord me if you have concerns and please read at your own risk.